Thursday, November 28, 2019
Traditional Hydroponics Systems free essay sample
Aeroponics is the process of growing plants in air or mist environment without the use of soil. Not to be confused with hydroponics or peeponics, aeroponics is the process of spraying or fogging the roots of the plants with a nutrient solution. The plants are usually housed in troughs, tubes or foam, with the leafy part of the plants separate from the roots. Moreover, the roots are usually fully exposed and constantly sprayed with micro bursts of atomized water. Why aeroponics are used? Since plants have access to oxygen 24/7 they generally will experience faster growth than conventional means Water and nutrient used efficiently Less need for nutrients and water than traditional hydroponics systems no need to worry about weeding takes up very little space Can be made as a DIY project It uses considerably less energy and water than traditional agriculture. systems can be built as a DIY project Disadvantages of aeroponics you will need to provide nutrients as with hydroponics requires electricity for small pumps and timers as with hydroponics, you will need some form of competency to run system can be an expensive system to buy In the beginning you need to monitor the water Root crops and trees are much more difficult to grow Final words on aeroponics Aeroponics has been tested to grow cleaner, more consistent herbs like burdock at the University of Arizonaââ¬â¢s College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. We will write a custom essay sample on Traditional Hydroponics Systems or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Research at the Cornell University Cooperative Extension has found that aeroponics is the most efficient means of growing leafy greens. Greens can become contaminated with soil pathogens and bacteria like e.coli, but aeroponics greatly reduces these risks. That is what all the research says. Practically, aeroponics would seem a perfect fit for also growing small potatoes. Hydroponics give more harvest but smaller and fewer tubers than aeroponics. However, from the pitcher one can see how much easier harvestingà the potatoes will be over hydroponics or traditional grown potatoes. Types of Aeroponics Low-pressure units High-pressure devices Commercial systems The modern 21st century aeroponics are Contemporary aeroponics Aeroponic bio-pharming Large scale integration of aeroponics Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in a nutrient solution without soil. The plants, which are usually grown in shallow trays, are supported by an inert growing medium such as gravel, mineral wool, or perlite. Greenhouse is an ideal place for hydroponic gardening. Temperature and humidity can be maintained in the growing range that is best for plants, creating a nearly perfect environment. Benefits of Hydroponics *No soil is needed for hydroponics. *Lower water costs. * Lower nutrition costs. *No nutrition pollution is released into the environment because of the controlled system. *Stable and high yields. *Pests and diseases are easier to get rid of than in soil because of the containerââ¬â¢s mobility. *It is easier to harvest. *No pesticide damage. *Plants grow healthier. *It is better for consumption. Disadvantages Without soil as a buffer, any failure to the hydroponic system leads to rapid plant death. Techniques The two main types of hydroponics are Solution culture Medium culture. The three main types of solution cultures are static solution culture continuous-flow solution culture Aeroponics There are two main variations for each medium are sub-irrigation top irrigation
Monday, November 25, 2019
U.S. Declaration of Independence in Spanish
U.S. Declaration of Independence in Spanish The following is a Spanish translation of the U.S. Declaration of Independence; it is believed to be in the public domain. Links are provided for the Spanish student to review some of the words and grammatical concepts used in this document. Comparisons can also be made with the original text of the Declaration. Cuando en el curso de los acontecimientos humanos se hace necesario para un pueblo disolver los và nculos polà ticos que lo han ligado a otro y tomar entre las naciones de la tierra el puesto separado e igual a que las leyes de la naturaleza y el Dios de esa naturaleza le dan derecho, un justo respeto al juicio de la humanidad exige que declare las causas que lo impulsan a la separacià ³n. Sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes en sà mismas: que todos los hombres son creados iguales; que son dotados por su Creador de ciertos derechos inalienables; que entre à ©stos estn la vida, la libertad y la bà ºsqueda de la felicidad; que para garantizar estos derechos se instituyen entre los hombres los gobiernos, que derivan sus poderes legà timos del consentimiento de los gobernados; que cuando quiera que una forma de gobierno se haga destructora de estos principios, el pueblo tiene el derecho a reformarla o abolirla e instituir un nuevo gobierno que se funde en dichos principios, y a organizar sus poderes en la forma que a su juicio ofrecer las mayores probabilidades de alcanzar su seguridad y felicidad. La prudencia, claro est, aconsejar que no se cambie por motivos leves y transitorios gobiernos de antiguo establecidos; y, en efecto, toda la experiencia ha demostrado que la humanidad est ms dispuesta a padecer, mientras los males sean tolerables, que a hacerse ju sticia aboliendo las formas a que est acostumbrada. Pero cuando una larga serie de abusos y usurpaciones, dirigida invariablemente al mismo objetivo, demuestra el designio de someter al pueblo a un despotismo absoluto, es su derecho, es su deber, derrocar ese gobierno y establecer nuevos resguardos para su futura seguridad. Tal ha sido el paciente sufrimiento de estas colonias; tal es ahora la necesidad que las obliga a reformar su anterior sistema de gobierno La historia del actual Rey de la Gran Bretaà ±a es una historia de repetidos agravios y usurpaciones, encaminados todos directamente hacia el establecimiento de una tiranà a absoluta sobre estos estados. Para probar esto, sometemos los hechos al juicio de un mundo imparcial. El Rey se ha negado a aprobar las leyes ms favorables y necesarias para el bienestar pà ºblico. Ha prohibido a sus gobernadores sancionar leyes de importancia inmediata y apremiante, a menos que su ejecucià ³n se suspenda hasta obtener su asentimiento; y una vez suspendidas se ha negado por completo a prestarles atencià ³n. Se ha rehusado a aprobar otras leyes convenientes a grandes comarcas pobladas, a menos que esos pueblos renuncien al derecho de ser representados en la Legislatura; derecho que es inestimable para el pueblo y terrible sà , para los tiranos. Ha convocado a los cuerpos legislativos en sitios desusados, incà ³modos y distantes del asiento de sus documentos pà ºblicos, con la sola idea de fatigarlos para cumplir con sus medidas. En repetidas ocasiones ha disuelto las Cmaras de Representantes, por oponerse con firmeza viril a sus intromisiones en los derechos del pueblo. Durante mucho tiempo, y despuà ©s de esas disoluciones, se ha negado a permitir la eleccià ³n de otras Cmaras; por lo cual, los poderes legislativos, cuyo aniquilamiento es imposible, han retornado al pueblo, sin limitacià ³n para su ejercicio; permaneciendo el Estado, mientras tanto, expuesto a todos los peligros de una invasià ³n exterior y a convulsiones internas. Ha tratado de impedir que se pueblen estos Estados, dificultando, con ese propà ³sito, las Leyes de Naturalizacià ³n de Extranjeros; rehusando aprobar otras para fomentar su inmigracià ³n y elevando las condiciones para las Nuevas Adquisiciones de Tierras. Ha entorpecido la administracià ³n de justicia al no aprobar las leyes que establecen los poderes judiciales. Ha hecho que los jueces dependan solamente de su voluntad, para poder desempeà ±ar sus cargos y en cuanto a la cantidad y pago de sus emolumentos. Ha fundado una gran diversidad de oficinas nuevas, enviando a un enjambre de funcionarios que acosan a nuestro pueblo y menguan su sustento. En tiempos de paz, ha mantenido entre nosotros ejà ©rcitos permanentes, sin el consentimiento de nuestras legislaturas. Ha influido para que la autoridad militar sea independiente de la civil y superior a ella. Se ha asociado con otros para someternos a una jurisdiccià ³n extraà ±a a nuestra constitucià ³n y no reconocida por nuestras leyes; aprobando sus actos de pretendida legislacià ³n: Para acuartelar, entre nosotros, grandes cuerpos de tropas armadas. Para protegerlos, por medio de un juicio ficticio, del castigo por los asesinatos que pudiesen cometer entre los habitantes de estos Estados. Para suspender nuestro comercio con todas las partes del mundo. Para imponernos impuestos sin nuestro consentimiento. Para privarnos, en muchos casos, de los beneficios de un juicio por jurado. Para transportarnos ms all de los mares, con el fin de ser juzgados por supuestos agravios. Para abolir en una provincia vecina el libre sistema de las leyes inglesas, estableciendo en ella un gobierno arbitrario y extendiendo sus là mites, con el objeto de dar un ejemplo y disponer de un instrumento adecuado para introducir el mismo gobierno absoluto en estas Colonias. Para suprimir nuestras Cartas Constitutivas, abolir nuestras leyes ms valiosas y alterar en su esencia las formas de nuestros gobiernos. Para suspender nuestras propias legislaturas y declararse investido con facultades para legislarnos en todos los casos, cualesquiera que à ©stos sean. Ha abdicado de su gobierno en estos territorios al declarar que estamos fuera de su proteccià ³n y al emprender una guerra contra nosotros. Ha saqueado nuestros mares, asolado nuestras costas, incendiado nuestras ciudades y destruido la vida de nuestro pueblo. Al presente, est transportando grandes ejà ©rcitos de extranjeros mercenarios para completar la obra de muerte, desolacià ³n y tiranà a, ya iniciada en circunstancias de crueldad y perfidia que apenas si encuentran paralelo en las à ©pocas ms brbaras, y por completo indignas del Jefe de una Nacià ³n civilizada. Ha obligado a nuestros conciudadanos, aprehendidos en alta mar, a que tomen armas contra su paà s, convirtià ©ndolos asà en los verdugos de sus amigos y hermanos, o a morir bajo sus manos. Ha provocado insurrecciones intestinas entre nosotros y se ha esforzado por lanzar sobre los habitantes de nuestras fronteras a los inmisericordes indios salvajes, cuya conocida disposicià ³n para la guerra se distingue por la destruccià ³n de vidas, sin considerar edades, sexos ni condiciones. En cada etapa de estas opresiones, hemos pedido justicia en los tà ©rminos ms humildes: a nuestras repetidas peticiones se ha contestado solamente con repetidos agravios. Un Prà ncipe, cuyo caracter est asà seà ±alado con cada uno de los actos que pueden definir a un tirano, no es digno de ser el gobernante de un pueblo libre. Tampoco hemos dejado de dirigirnos a nuestros hermanos britnicos. Los hemos prevenido de tiempo en tiempo de las tentativas de su poder legislativo para englobarnos en una jurisdiccià ³n injustificable. Les hemos recordado las circunstancias de nuestra emigracià ³n y radicacià ³n aquà . Hemos apelado a su innato sentido de justicia y magnanimidad, y los hemos conjurado, por los và nculos de nuestro parentesco, a repudiar esas usurpaciones, las cuales interrumpirà an inevitablemente nuestras relaciones y correspondencia. Tambià ©n ellos han sido sordos a la voz de la justicia y de la consanguinidad. Debemos, pues, convenir en la necesidad, que establece nuestra separacià ³n y considerarlos, como consideramos a las dems colectividades humanas: enemigos en la guerra, en la paz, amigos. Por lo tanto, los Representantes de los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica, convocados en Congreso General, apelando al Juez Supremo del mundo por la rectitud de nuestras intenciones, en nombre y por la autoridad del buen pueblo de estas Colonias, solemnemente hacemos pà ºblico y declaramos: Que estas Colonias Unidas son, y deben serlo por derecho, Estados Libres e Independientes; que quedan libres de toda lealtad a la Corona Britnica, y que toda vinculacià ³n polà tica entre ellas y el Estado de la Gran Bretaà ±a queda y debe quedar totalmente disuelta; y que, como Estados Libres o Independientes, tienen pleno poder para hacer la guerra, concertar la paz, concertar alianzas, establecer el comercio y efectuar los actos y providencias a que tienen derecho los Estados independientes. Y en apoyo de esta Declaracià ³n, con absoluta confianza en la proteccià ³n de la Divina Providencia, empeà ±amos nuestra vida, nuestra hacienda y nuestro sagrado honor.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Equity theory 2 videos Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Equity theory 2 videos - Assignment Example Adams theory acknowledges that variable factors affect employeesââ¬â¢ assessment and perception of their relationship with their employer and their work. Employees may be demotivated with their employer or job if they feel that their inputs are greater than the output. Therefore, the resultant effects of this will be reduced efforts, disgruntled and disruptive. In the application of this theory in a work place, it is important to consider the imbalance and the balance that exist between employees input and output in order to have satisfaction in a work place. This theory believes that a good leader will recognize the needs and well-being of the team members in order to build a highly and successful teams (Maslow, 2012, 00:03:44). Maslow believes that that there should be an emotional contact between leaders and their team for enhancement of equity and motivation at work place. In this theory, the followers usually give in their best return when they realize their leaders are looking upon their welfares. However, the theory contends that, as people strive to achieve basic needs, they also seek to satisfy their higher sets of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The growth of Internet betting and gambling sites and the credit card Essay
The growth of Internet betting and gambling sites and the credit card companies response - Essay Example Further, law enforcement agencies state that Internet gambling is sometimes used for money laundering (Hugel & Kelly 2002: 57). However, others consider this risk as trivial concern. The jurisdictional and anonymity concerns characteristic of Internet gambling make online gambling a potentially strong means for money launderers. The small number of prosecuted instances of money laundering linked to Internet gambling is credited to oversight and a lack of solid parameters (Hugel & Kelly 2002: 58). Still, officials form the gaming and credit card industries and regulatory agencies do not consider that Internet gambling was any more vulnerable to money laundering than other forms of electronic trade (Hugel & Kelly 2002: 58). The main objective of this review is to acquire a better understanding on the different policies and procedures of the credit card industry on Internet gambling. The review is also aimed at obtaining a broader knowledge on the strengths and weaknesses of these policies, and perhaps to formulate any potential recommendations that are possible under the Constitution. To achieve this, a review on use of the U.S. payments method --- particularly credit cards, and on the ongoing debate on Internet gambling should be made. The key points are: 1) to study the legal structure for Internet gambling activities, mainly in the U.S., but also in other countries; 2) to explain the range and characteristic of the regulations and measures the credit card industry has put into practice to prohibit the use of credit cards as a mode of payment for Internet gambling; and 3) to acquire opinions on Internet gamblingââ¬â¢s susceptibility to money laundering. Documentation on Internet gambling policies and procedures may be requested from industry representatives; however, some might be disinclined to supply written documentation due to concerns about the confidentiality of propriety regulations. This is why conducting interviews is
Monday, November 18, 2019
Data Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Data Security - Essay Example The purpose of this report is to research the necessary solutions and to provide recommendations for management team. ââ¬Å"Design Studio One is known as a leader in creative services, web design and web development in Atlanta since 2001. Located on Lenox Road in Buck-head near downtown Atlanta, they are committed to helping business development in the metro region, but their service and client base extends across the country. With their continual focus on quality and customer satisfaction, they consistently deliver successful solutions for their clients.â⬠1 The company provides solutions in web designing, web hosting, search engine optimization, website maintenance and updates, logo design and print design. Customers are able to login through the website and gain the access to their control panel. In the client login section, customers are able to view the status of their project. They are also able to enter or modify their personal information such as email address and credit card number. This panel also gives the customer the ability to test their website temporarily on the server and give their feedback and request the company to modify the project easily. Although the current service is robust and customers have full control on their project, the management team noticed that some of customers complained about the security problem of both servers and control panel of the companyââ¬â¢s website. Some of them had received so many bulk emails in their inbox from the support email of the company and some of them had lost their access to the control panel because their password and information was stolen by a third party. The management team at the company requested the server experts to check the security situation of the company on a weekly basis and the results of the primary research implied that the companyââ¬â¢s server has approximately between
Friday, November 15, 2019
Impact Of The Game Revolution On Society Media Essay
Impact Of The Game Revolution On Society Media Essay Introduction: In the assignment I am going to talk about impact of the game revolution on society and I am going to write about advantage and disadvantages of impact of the game revolution on society. I am also going explain about 10 different types of computer games and also write about psychological effects of computer gaming. Impact of computer games on society Advantage of impact of the game revolution on society. The advantage of effect of the game revolution on society is that it is a very good tool for relaxing having fun with friends or family and other games like brain training are very important for your brain. The result of computer games on children can also be confident with the improvement of game that also challenge children sharply and also consoles like Nintendo wii which also build up a self-confident of physical activity. Childrens computer games can be good-natured, sharply challenging and fun. The benefits of video games are that they are a non-threatening and it is fun way to bring in children to computers. In some games children may also help to develop by getting better childrens by playing tic-tac-toe, number and alphabetical games, cube maze and brain- training games etc, which can improve hand -eye-skills and brain. Some of the studies even show that as little as one month of training with a language based computer game and it can help a child to develop their own skills by reading, maths and problem solving and language skills. Disadvantage of impact of the game revolution on society. The disadvantage of impact game has on society is that it is not good for your health, brain and eyes. The computer games are as much a part of childhood as skipping ropes and teddy bears. Nowadays children spent too much time on computer games or in consoles and it can be bad for child development. This is a habit to complaint from modern lifestyles for a lot and including limited common skills. In the modern generation when a child plays computer games it is really bad for them. Children spend many hours in front on the monitor and not going out enough could also matter general problems and they become shy person. The children become distract from more important thing like social activities and homework. The game develop nowadays become a more mad to the games and also have a weakness to lose control and become more crazy. There many complaints were found among children playing in computer for long time and they doesnt go to sleep and play till night and also doesnt eat properly for example, children play shooting, fighting and racing which can effect on body for example, they can have eyes injury, wrist, neck and back pains, headache and nerve and muscle damages. There are different effects that children and childrens development. If they violent game they can increased disturbing thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The research also seems to make that much of the effect of computer games on children are affected by the parents and they also fights without reason in school and playing with friends in park. If you want your child grow up with a healthy body, they stop playing shooting and fighting games in computer for not more than one hour. They should go out and they play outdoor games, help your mom to clean house and go with her shopping to carry some heavy bags. Describe different types of computer game There are many different types of computer games for example, action, adventure, shooting, puzzle, educational, sports, racing, simulations, combat, role- playing and strategy games. I am going to describe about 10 different types of games. Strategy games- Strategy game is about the war games and you can play in different ways. Role- playing games- Aà role-playing gameà (RPG) is a broad family ofà gamesà in which players think the roles ofà charactersà in a made upà setting. Even you can play one player or two player games. Combat games Combat games is about battle and tank game. Simulations games- Simulation games is about to make something. Action games: Action game is video game types that maintain physical challenges, including hand-eye coordination and reaction-time. The variety includes different games such as fighting games and shooter games. Adventure games: Anà adventure gameà is aà computer-based gameà in which the player accepts the role of character in anà interactive story driven by searching andà puzzle-solving in its place of physical challenge. Educational games: Educational games are games that have been specifically designed to teach people about a certain subject. Sports games: A sport game is a computer or video games that act the playing of classic sports. Generally sports have been recreated with a game, including team sports, athletics and extreme sports. Racing games: Racing games is a competition with any type land, air or sea vehicles. Puzzle games: Puzzle games are a type of video games that highlight puzzle solving. The types of puzzles to be solved can test many problem solving skills including logic and words. What is the psychological effect of games on individuals? We have all played computer games, but most of them sit in the computer for long time and they never moved for longer hour. The maker of impact games is having effects on our society. Most of the people are quite unfair on computer games effect by choosing one of the them can be also positive and negative. Computer games can also have large limits of effect in our society. Most of the games effects can be treated as good and bad. Violence is one of the main effects of games in society. Nowadays the teenagers have started to put the game violence in real life. The games have affected gamers so badly that now they are unaware of their surroundings and have effects their physical state. Games have impacted gamers mentally and physically in a negative way, as they play games they get obsessed with them, which makes them lazy as they hardly move. The main effect is when gamers keep looking at the screen their eye sight becomes weaker. The gamers are so into the games that when they go out, they try things in real which they did in game. The growing improvement in skill sound and graphics, gaming has become far more lifelike in bringingà together to what it used to be. When graphics were poor, violence such as shooting, kicking, punching did not seem intelligent and therefore it was harder to relate to what was happening on screen. Nowadays more games look and sound more lifelike, and address useful themes such as drug dealing, gangsters, wars becomes easier for more individuals to relate to these games. This practical issue can likely lead to an increase in violent thought and maybe even violent behaviour, as negative behaviour becomes more expected and accepted. Children who played a violent video game displayed a higher level of anger than children who played a nonviolent game. If a violent game is played by an individual for too long, they may become sensitive to the violence they are faced with, and this may direct to them believing that violence. The gaming can also have positive psychological effects on the gamer. It is often argued that gaming is better than watching television, as there is more communication with gaming. This communication may promote things like problem solving, planning, testing and opinion when playing the game. These factors could increase positive behaviour, such as problem solving and reasonable skills. The one simple psychological effect that gaming has on the individual that plays it. The background and the context of every gamer will mean that everyone is achieve differently. A connection between violent games and violent behaviour is quite visible. The psychological effects show that gaming has entirely personal to the individual question, and it is difficult to decide right that what affects and individual psychology. Since game alone is not to be responsible for factors such as violence or logical success. It is an improvement, one-sided to every individual.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Mathematics - The Fencing Problem :: Math Coursework Mathematics
Fencing Problem A farmer has exactly 1000 meters of fencing and wants to fence of a plot of level land. She is not concerned about the shape of the plot but it must have a perimeter of 1000 m. She wishes to fence of a plot of land that contains the maximum area. I am going to investigate which shape is best for this and why. I am going to start by investigating the different rectangles; all that have a perimeter of 1000 meters. Below are 2 rectangles (not drawn to scale) showing how different shapes with the same perimeter can have different areas. Text Box: 300Text Box: 50[IMAGE][IMAGE] Text Box: 450 Text Box: 200 Below is a table of different rectangles. Height Length ====== Area 10 490 4900 20 480 9600 30 470 14100 40 460 18400 50 450 22500 60 440 26400 70 430 30100 80 420 33600 90 410 36900 100 400 40000 110 390 42900 120 380 45600 130 370 48100 140 360 50400 150 350 52500 160 340 54400 170 330 56100 180 320 57600 190 310 58900 200 300 60000 210 290 60900 220 280 61600 230 270 62100 240 260 62400 250 250 62500 260 240 62400 270
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